Phone: 609 660-7500


Degrees and Certifications:

BA Teacher Education BA Psychology Certification: Elementary School Teacher K-8 Teacher of Psychology High School

Ms. Fisher

Welcome to 5th Grade!

I look forward to teaching your child both Math and Science this year! 

I am starting my 19th year as a teacher in the Barnegat School District.  Most of my experience is in the Basic Skills department, teaching Math. However, I also taught 4th grade and 1st grade during my tenure.  This will be my  sixth year teaching 5th grade.  I look forward to getting back to school and teaching your child!  My team partner is Lisa Clark.  She will be teaching ELA, and Social Studies.  Together we will make your child's 5th grade year fun, educational, and we will strive to inspire them everyday!  I am looking forward to a great year!