• The Creative Curriculum

    The philosophy of Creative Curriculum is that children learn through play and that children learn in different ways. Each month we are concentrating on a specific study and, through purposeful play, the children are learning in ways that best suit their individual needs. Using assessment information gathered through teacher observations, the studies build on what students already know and teach them important concepts and skills in an intentional way. Teaching occurs in large-group, small-group, and individual settings, always with the focus upon play-based instruction and learning. During Choice Time, students are able to move about the classroom and find areas of learning that work best for their learning needs. Each day, there is always at least one activity that students are required to participate in and complete. These activities focus on building Kindergarten readiness skills, including, but not limited to: fine motor development, listening skills, following directions, letter recognition and identification, number recognition, etc.

    Though Creative Curriculum does not follow the "letter of the week" approach, our classroom is a print-rich environment in which students are consistently exposed to letters and words, be it during Morning Meeting, a group activity, or in various interest areas.