• In my classes, seventh and eighth grade Spanish students will experience a 43 minute course offered for one marking period.  The marking period will be divided into three units, and follow the New Jersey state standards for language learners.  Primary focus will be on the interpersonal, presentational, and interpretive modes of communication.  We will be using different online tools that best suit the students' levels and expose them to varied authentic text and audio lessons within the three modes of communication . 


    Attached is a link that will explain the New Jersey standards in detail.  In addition to the New Jersey standards,  Barnegat School District's implementation plan of the curriculum and thematic units used to present material to language learners can be accessed on the district website.  The Barnegat Schools adaptation contains websites and texts utilized to present appropriate grade-level vocabulary.  You can access my Google classroom to view announcements and vocabulary reference materials for class use.  





  • Students will be required to bring chrome books and something to write with each day.  On some days, they will be instructed to bring headphones to listen to audio lessons.