
    Course Information

    Teacher Information

    English I: College Prep

    Name(s): Mr. Eric Putman

    Full Year

    Phone: 609-660-7510 x.18210

    Class Location: Room #B208

    Email:  eputman@barnegatschools.com



    Course Description:

    The English I CP Course provides all Freshmen the opportunity to analyze a sampling of various genres of literature. It is intended to allow for the design and development of projects and learning opportunities, which evaluate and reflect a solid understanding of different genres, literary elements, themes, plots and characters. It is further intended to create opportunities to create essays in the four modes of discourse. Additionally, students will apply their knowledge of the Standard English language conventions for sentence structure, syntax, mechanics and usage in all written work and oral presentations.


    Course Competencies/ Learning Objectives

    Students who successfully complete English I CP will be competent in the following areas:

    • Closely read and analyze a variety of complex texts independently and proficiently.
    • Distinguish and cite relevant textual evidence to support an idea, opinion, or claim.
    • Identify a specific theme and analyze its development over the course of a text.
    • Examine the manner in which characterization affects and develops theme in specific texts, including determining reliability of narrators.
    • Analyze an author’s use of allegory in a text.
    • Relate historical context to development of plot in a text.
    • Analyze an author’s use of symbolism in a text.
    • Analyze an author’s use of dramatic irony, choices regarding structure of a text, and manipulation of time.
    • Articulate ideas effectively and participate voluntarily in discussions with peers.
    • Present information and findings on a topic clearly, concisely, and logically.
    • Produce clear and coherent writing appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
    • Evaluate and synthesize various sources on related topics in order to answer a question or solve a problem.
    • Evaluate a speaker’s/writer’s point of view, reasoning, and use of rhetorical strategies.
    • Identify logical fallacies and propaganda devices in order to craft more sound arguments.
    • Support developed claims utilizing relevant quotations and examples from the text(s).
    • Craft real or imagined narratives that employ effective techniques, details, and structure.
    • Use precise words and phrases including sensory language to convey imagery for the reader/viewer.
    • Demonstrate understanding of the language conventions of Standard English.


    Course Texts / Online Resources

    Prentice Hall: Literature Grade 9 textbook

    Selected novel studies that can include:

    A Child Called It, David Pelzer

    Tuesdays with Morrie, Mitch Albom

    Romeo & Juliet, William Shakespeare

    The Odyssey, Homer

    Selected short stories, poetry and non-fiction texts


    Required Materials

    • Notebook or binder of choice
    • Two pocket folder for handouts/packets
    • Pens
    • Current text of study
    • Current independent reading material
    • Highlighters and post-its might be useful, but are not necessary


    Attendance Policy

    Regular and prompt class attendance is an essential part of the educational experience.  The Barnegat Township School District expects students to be responsible and exercise good judgment regarding attendance and absences.  Students accept full responsibility for ensuring that they complete any/all work missed due to absences. 


    Course Topic Outline

                    Please find a list of the units for this course:


    Content Area: English Language Arts

    Course Title: English I

    Grade Level: 9

    Unit 1: Suspense & Mystery

    45 Days

    Unit 2: Family & Relationships

    45 Days

    Unit 3: Aging & Acceptance

    45 Days

    Unit 4: Navigating Emotions

    45 Days


    Student Grades

    The grading system for this course is based on the category weights listed in each department’s policy.  For this course, those weights are listed below.   Each marking period, students will have a minimum of four (4) Major Assessments and eight (8) Minor Assessments (explained below).  Homework is graded as part of Course Participation, which is assessed twice (2x) per marking period using the district rubric. 


    Major Assessments


    50% of marking period grade

    Minor Assessments


    30% of marking period grade

    Course Participation


    20% of marking period grade




    Please note: the above areas are used as the basis for 80% of your grade for the course; the Midterm and Final exam will constitute the remaining 20% of your grade.


    • Examples of Major Assessments include items that are summative in nature, such as: tests, projects, research papers, prose-constructed response timed writings, formal presentations, reports, Socratic seminars, or any other type of assessment used to capture evidence of learning at the culmination of a unit of study.
    • Examples of Minor Assessments include items that are formative in nature, such as: quizzes, reading comprehension checks, response journals, exit tickets, small-scale research activities, reading logs, in class worksheets, or any other type of assessment that is diagnostic in nature and used to guide instruction and provide ongoing feedback to students.
    • Note: grades for individual assignments are entered into Genesis for the marking period in which the assignment is collected, and not a subsequent marking period.
    • Extra Credit will only be available for assignments that have been approved ahead of time by the teacher and department supervisor.
    • In this course, it is expected that students will submit only their best work, and teachers reserve the right not to accept work that is substantially below what a student is capable of producing.
    • Please speak to your teacher about the opportunity for earned Second Chances on certain Major Assessments.


    Course Participation Rubric


    Academic Social Skills

    Readiness to Learn / Study Skills



    21st Century College and Career Readiness


    Meeting Expectations

    20 points 

    Student consistently demonstrates high levels of age-appropriate academic social skills by showing initiative and independence in all of the components below: 

    ·         Self-advocacy

    ·         Persistence ”grit”

    ·         Identifying one’s own needs and communicates needs to others


    Student’s classroom behavior is focused, on-task, and serves as a role model for others; the student does not require support from teacher, parents or others.

    20 points 


    ·         consistently arrives prepared for class and ready to learn;   

    ·         demonstrates high levels of organization, motivation, and ownership of his/her learning.  


    Student consistently produces notes and other materials that demonstrate: effort to learn &  

    • identification of the curriculum’s main ideas and important supporting details.  

    20 points 

    Student consistently completes the assigned homework and rarely misses a task, if at all.  


    Student consistently expends his/her best efforts to complete assigned tasks. 


    Homework consistently reflects high levels of care and  pride in work.  


    Homework is consistently done in a manner that advances learning.   

    20 points 


    ·         consistently completes assigned classwork tasks;

    ·         voluntarily and actively participates in classroom activities on a consistent basis;

    ·         consistently remains focused and on task; 

    ·         contributes to class discussions in a meaningful way, by actively listening, asking questions, or sustaining discussion; 

    ·         consistently demonstrates leadership in collaborative activities. 

    20 points 

    Student consistently demonstrates competency in the following NJSLS Career Ready Practices.  













    *A full description of these items is listed at the bottom of the rubric.  

    Approaching Expectations

    15 Points 

    Student usually demonstrates age-appropriate academic social skills such as persistence or self-advocacy, but may require teacher prompting or direction.  


    Student’s classroom behavior is generally focused and on-task, but sometimes requires redirection or support from teacher, parents, or others.

    15 Points

    Student usually arrives prepared for class and/or demonstrates developing levels of organization, motivation, ownership of learning. 


    Student frequently produces notes and materials that demonstrate effort to learn and identification of mean ideas, but may also require prompting and direction.  

    15 Points

    Student frequently completes the assigned homework but occasionally misses tasks, or tasks are completed with inconsistent effort .  


    Homework usually reflects high levels of care and  pride in work, but not always.  


    Homework is generally done in a manner that advances learning.  

    15 Points


    ·         usually completes assigned classwork tasks and generally produces his/her best work;

    ·         frequently  participates in classroom activities but sometimes requires direction and prompting; 

    ·         during class discussions, usually contributes by actively listening, responding, and/or asking questions.  

    15 Points

    Student frequently demonstrates competency in the following NJSLS Career Ready Practices, but may need direction and support.  
















    10 Points

    Student occasionally demonstrates age-appropriate academic social skills such as persistence or self-advocacy, and/or  often requires teacher prompting or direction.  


    Student’s classroom behavior is generally unfocused and off-task, and frequently requires redirection or support from the teacher, parents, or others.

    10 Points

    Student rarely arrives prepared for class and/or demonstrates limited levels of organization, motivation, ownership of learning. 


    Student seldomly produces notes and materials that demonstrate effort to learn and identification of mean ideas, and often requires prompting and direction.  

    10 Points

    Student rarely completes the assigned homework and frequently misses tasks, or tasks are completed with limited effort .  


    Homework rarely reflects high levels of care and  pride in work.  


    Homework is generally not done in a manner that advances learning. 

    10 Points


    ·         seldomly completes assigned classwork tasks and generally does not produce his/her best work;

    ·         usually does not participate in classroom activities and often requires teacher direction and prompting; 

    ·         during class discussions, usually does not contribute by actively listening, responding, and/or asking questions.

    10 Points

    Student rarely demonstrates competency in the following NJSLS Career Ready Practices, and needs direction and support.  













    *New Jersey Student Learning Standards for 21st Century Life & Careers / Career Ready Practices 

    CRP1. Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee.

    CRP2. Apply appropriate academic and technical skills. 

    CRP4. Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason.

    CRP5. Consider the environmental, social and economic impacts of decisions. 

    CRP6. Demonstrate creativity and innovation. 

    CRP7. Employ valid and reliable research strategies. 

    CRP8. Utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 

    CRP9. Model integrity, ethical leadership and effective management.

    CRP11. Use technology to enhance productivity.

    CRP12. Work productively in teams while using cultural global competence.


    Plagiarism, Cheating, and Academic Integrity

    The Barnegat Township School District places a strong emphasis on students’ integrity, and the district will not tolerate instances of academic dishonesty.  Plagiarism is the practice of copying words, sentences, images, or ideas for use in written or oral assessments without giving proper credit to the source.  Cheating is defined as the giving or receiving of illegal help on anything that has been determined by the teacher to be an individual effort.  Both are considered serious offenses and are subject to consequences described in the Student Handbook and Board Policy #5701. 


    Classroom Expectations

    1. All school rules and policies apply to this class.  
    2. The teacher and students will work together for a respectful, safe classroom. 
    3. Students will come to class on time, prepared, and ready to learn. 
    4. Students will complete all assignments, including homework, by all deadlines.  Make-up work is only accepted after an excused absence.  It is your responsibility to see me for your work before or after school.
    5. Students will actively participation in class discussions and other activities in order to enhance their learning experiences.
    6. Cell phones, iPods, or any other personal electronic devices are prohibited in class at any time.


    Extra Help and Support

    Occasionally, students will require additional help to master the content and skills in this course.  If you need additional help, there are a variety of options for you, including:

    • Before/after school help sessions with your teacher 
    • Peer tutoring from NHS / NJHS students 
    • Free online tutoring with Brainfuse (available from the Barnegat Library website)

    As your teacher, I am committed to your success.   If you need help, please ask!