• 6th Grade English Class

    Ms. Piper-Rm. 515


    To finish 6th grade, to continue your education, and to work successfully towards a career you choose, you must read and write well. Since these sequential, cumulative skills build one upon the other, it is important for you to keep up with assignments.

    Writing well requires rewriting. You will draft some pieces several times, with attention to audience, thoughtful content, and acceptable mechanics. Some pieces may remain rough drafts. Your writing portfolio is the best evidence of your progress as a writer.

    Reading well emphasizes comprehension, not just what happened, but what it means. Reflection and interpretation show me how well you understand what you have read.

    You will succeed in this class if you do your work. If you need help, ask questions during class and see me after school. I stay after school every day until 3 PM except for Fridays. If you need extra help, please stay so I can help you.

    Grading System

    Grades are based on a numerical system. Major Assessments= 50%, Minor Assessments = 30%, 15% Course Participation, and 5% Benchmark. In addition, it is your responsibility to keep track of returned papers and check grades against posted grade information. If you notice a mistake, please see me.


    Students will be covering 1-2 novels this year, based on the themes of the marking period. In addition to novels, students will be examining and interpreting informational texts through literature and various articles found in their literature books. Students will be covering grammar, vocabulary and spelling skills, as well as short stories throughout the course of the year. Poetry will also be introduced and discussed as the year goes on in conjunction with the NJCCCS, which may be found at: http://www.corestandards.org/ELA-Literacy/*

    Classroom Behavior

    All students have the right to an education. We will not allow any student to negatively impact the learning of others. Enforced will be the following classroom rules:

    • Be in your seat upon entering class and unloading your materials please.

    • Be quiet and listen whenever the teachers, and/or other classmates are talking.

    • Bring all books and materials to class.

    • Remain in your seat at the end of the period until the teacher dismisses you.

    • 3 strike rule: If I have to remind a student to behave three times in a class period, an email or phone call goes home; if the student comes to class the next day and is still disruptive, a teacher detention is given; if the student comes to class the next day and is still disruptive, a referral to the office is written.

    • Cell phone procedure: All phones will be collected in the beginning of class; meaning students will put them in the cubby assigned to them for the period. Any student caught with a cell phone will be given a referral.


    Tardiness is disrespectful to your class and to us, and we will treat it as a serious behavior problem. Be on time. Poor attendance is a warning sign. If you are not here, you will not pass this course. Even if you make up assignments, you can never make up discussions we had when you were not here. As you fall out of step with your classmates, you may fall so far behind that you give up.


    Make-up Work

    Please check googleclassroom as it is updated on a regular basis. You are expected to know the assignment you missed, as not to disrupt the day’s lesson. If you have computer problems, call a friend and ask them what the assignment was. If you miss a quiz or a test, you are responsible for staying after with me to arrange a make-up test/quiz. I will not hunt you down. You are also responsible for staying after school to show me an assignment you have from the day you were absent. I will not take class time away from others to go over your assignments.

    Preparation of Assignments

    • Head your papers correctly (MLA Format).

    • Rough drafts may be in pencil, any color ink, front and back.

    • Regular assignments should be in blue or black ink, on the front side of fresh white un-fringed notebook paper.

    • Final drafts of major writing assignments must conform to MLA standards and be typed.

    Supplies Needed-Subject to change based on what I have in class.

    • Three-ring binder with paper and three dividers.

    • Pens, one red for editing, then any other color to write with.

    • A book for independent reading.

    • Colored pencils/markers/crayons, whatever you have.

    • Personal hand sanitizer if you wish.

    • Personal tissues if you wish.