• welcome

    I am very excited to be your child’s Kindergarten teacher this year! Our classroom is #207. Please help your child to learn his or her bus number as soon as possible. The topics below will help you to become familiarized with our classroom and important information. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact me at kodgers@barnegatschools.com. I am looking forward to an exciting year together!

    Sincerely, Miss Odgers 

    Absences– Please call the attendance office before 8am on the day of your child’s absence. Please send a note with your child upon returning to school explaining the absence.

    Allergies and Medication– Please contact the school nurse regarding prescription and over-the-counter medications as well as any allergies that your child has!

    Birthdays– If you wish to send in a treat for your child's birthday, please send me a message at least a few days before so that I know what you are sending and when you plan to send in treats! School policy: All birthday treats/ food sent in to school MUST be store-bought (ingredients listed) and peanut free. Your child will receive a birthday crown and we will sing happy birthday in class!

    Class Dojo- https://www.classdojo.com/invite/?c=CKPM2GD

    Dismissal– 3:00pm each day. Please send a note to me if your child’s dismissal routine will be changing. This includes being picked up or changes to the aftercare schedule. If you forget to send a note, you must call the main office by 1:30pm so that I am aware of the change. All students who are being picked up must be signed out. Any adult who is picking up a student must be on the school’s contact list for your child or must be included on a note that is signed and sent into school that day. Email notification is not valid. 

    Early Dismissal: 12:50pm.

    Lunch– You may pack a lunch or have your child purchase lunch each day. Cafeteria menus will be sent home each month. If your child is buying, you will need to purchase in advance online from Chartwells Website: 

    To add funds to your child’s account, use the MySchoolsBucks app. For information about this app, visit the following link: https://www.barnegatschools.com/Page/5957
    To order lunch for your child, visit this site:

    Scholastic Book Orders-  Your child will bring home a monthly Scholastic Reading Club order form. Scholastic Book orders help our class to earn free books as rewards!!! If you wish to purchase books, please send a check payable to Scholastic and attach it to the order form by the due date. You may also place orders online at www.Scholastic.com

    Show and Tell– Your child will have the opportunity to share items from home that correspond with the letter of the week or a topic that we are discussing that week. Show and Tell will take place every Friday. 

    Snack- We will be having a daily afternoon snack. Please send a small snack and a drink in a labeled bag that is separate from your child’s lunch.