
    *Students do not need to get any supplies for my class. I will provide everything that they need.  


    SPIRE Course Description:

    SPIRE is a highly explicit program for students and adults who have mild to moderate gaps in their decoding and spelling proficiency, but who do not have a significant learning language disability. The targeted, high quality literacy instruction provided in the Spire classroom can help struggling students build the skills they need to achieve higher academic levels across the curriculum. SPIRE is a word-level intervention program with a highly explicit and systematic focus on the study of word structure.

    Course Competencies/ Learning Objectives

    Students who successfully complete the SPIRE program will be competent in the following areas:

    • Students will be able to recognize symbol/sound relationships
    • Students will be able to blend & segment words
    • Students will be able to recognize syllable structure
    • Students will know prefixes,roots and suffixes
    • Students will be able to learn spelling rules

    Required Materials



    Segmentation Board

    Segmenting Grapheme Board

    All materials are provided.  

    Attendance Policy

    Regular and prompt class attendance is an essential part of the educational experience.  The Barnegat Township School District expects students to be responsible and exercise good judgment regarding attendance and absences.  Students accept full responsibility for ensuring that they complete any/all work missed due to absences.

    Course Description:

    SPIRE has been proven to be a highly effective program for teaching struggling readers to read based on how they learn. Spire is a total language approach which integrates all of the language arts. SPIRE lesson plans and materials provide engaging tools designed to systematically and successfully guide students' abilities in phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension.

    Level One - short a, short i, short o, short u short e, sh, ch, th, wh, ang, ing, ong, ung, ank, ink, onk, unk

    Level Two - ff, ll, ss, al, wa, qu, ck, tch, a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, e-e, Vse

    Level Three - open syllables (so, he fly), exceptions (ild, old, ind, ost, oll, ay,-ed, suffixes -s, -es, -ing, -er, -est, -en, -ish, -ly,-y, -ful,-ness, -less, twin-consonant syllable division, nontwin-consonant syllable division, ou, prefix a-

    Level Four - ea,c onsonant -le syllables, oa, ai, ee, oo, igh, ie

    Level Five - soft c, soft g, er, ur, ir, ear, wor, dge, s=/z/, ow, kn, oe, or, ar

    Level Six - prefix a-, ending-a, suffix -able, ph, ought, aught, ue, ew, tu, oi, oy, aw, au, ey, kn wr, mb, gh, gu, suffix -age, open syllables (a/CV, i/CV, o/CV, o/CV, u/CV, e/CV

    Level Seven - V/V syllables, ct, ei, eigh, open sylalble i (alligator, radio), suffixes -tion, -sion, -ci, -ti, suffixes -tu, -ture, -sure, suffix-ous, suffixes -ence, -ent, -ance, -ant, -cy, -ency, -ancy, ui, eu, suffixes -er, -or, -ar, -ard

    Level Eight - arV, irV, erV, urV, prefixes dis-,mis-, pre-, pro-, re-, de-, ex-, suffixes -al, en, -on, -an, -ain, -ine, -et, -ite, -ate, -ic, suffixes -ive, -ary, prefixes in-, im-, il-, ir-, un-, under-, sub-, con-, com-, cor-, col-, prefiixes para-, ab-, ad-, ac-,ap-,af-, af- per-i=/y/; ch=/k/, /sh/; que=/k/  

    Student Grades

    Progress Checks: Students will take a pre and post test for each lesson. Quick check assessments will also be conducted to ensure mastery. The teacher will administer an assessment that provides an ongoing measurement system that objectively demonstrates each student’s progress with the word structure taught.

    The teacher will meet with students individually to discuss their understanding of the concepts and chart their scores in addition to assessments.

    Classroom Expectations

    1. All school rules and policies apply to this class.  
    2. The teacher and students will work together for a respectful, safe classroom.
    3. Students will come to class on time, prepared, and ready to learn.
    4. Students will complete all assignments by the deadlines.  Make-up work is only accepted after an excused absence. It is your responsibility to see me for your work before or after school.
    5. Students will actively participation in class discussions and other activities in order to enhance their learning experiences.
    6. Cell phones, iPods, or any other personal electronic devices are prohibited in class at any time.