Welcome Musicians!

  • Dear All Fifth Parents,

    My name is Ms. Sawall and I am your child's music teacher. On this page, you will find classroom information & musical materials your child is learning. In addition, your child has the opportunity to be a part of Chorus and Bell Choir(Please see those pages for more information.)


    Below is a list of items that I request your child have to help aid in their musical learning:

    1. Pencils

    2. Erasers

    3. ***Dry Erase markers



    ***Many of these items maybe things that your child's classroom teacher has also requested. Do not go out and buy extra please just use those.*** 


    Below is the Google Classroom Code To Help with Online Music Learning for all 5th Grade students:

     *** All students should log in regardless of their learning status using this code: ofq57c3


    Your child has music once a week which means that over the course of a school year, I see them only 30 times. Music has proven over the test of time to help boost morale, attitude and academics.


    Let's have a great musical year!

    Thank you,


    Ms. Sawall