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Barnegat Helping Barnegat


Barnegat Helping Barnegat is a program through which Barnegat helps its own. Embodying its family orientation by helping one another during hard seasons, BTSD is proud to be coordinating this effort. This was initiated by a public BOE meeting presentation that included mention of over 40 homeless students, after which various community members expressed interest in providing tangible assistance to those in need.  

Families in need will be contacted regarding their specific current needs. Without providing identifying information, these needs will be relayed to the community for purchase. Though purchasing these goods will be an option, donating generalized gift cards will also be encouraged. 


Coordinators of this effort will arrange assistance for known families in need. If you are in need, or are aware of someone in need, please make a confidential referral via email to: Kim Germano ( 


Donations will be collected between 7:40 AM and 2:20 PM, Monday through Friday, to Kim Germano at the Russell O. Brackman Middle School. If she is not in the building, please leave the donation in a sealed envelope with the main office secretary. 


The administration will be notified of donations. Gift cards will be tracked on a Google sheet by identification number. This confidential google sheet, shared only with those coordinating the program, will include the family recipient of aforesaid gift card(s). 


Program coordinators will arrange confidential gift delivery or retrieval by the families in need.