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Counseling Sessions

Individual Counseling is a one to one meeting between the Counselor and a student during which time they will work together on a problem or interest area. A child may self-refer or parents and teachers may refer a child for individual counseling. Some students are seen on a regular basis, others only once or twice depending on student need. Permission slips are required for continued counseling services and may be obtained from your School Counselor.

Group Counseling consists of small groups of children who share a common problem, interest, or goal. Groups usually consist of three to six children. Meetings are held weekly/every other week/monthly for a half hour and may continue for approximately six to eight weeks. Examples include friendship groups to help children build social skills; anger management groups to help students learn how to deal with anger; self-esteem groups to help children feel positive about themselves; and grief and loss groups to help children cope with the death of a loved one.

Crisis Counseling will be provided for a student who experiences an emergency or an unusual event in their life such as: the loss of a relative, the loss of a pet, a fire, or a change in the family situation.