Grades 9-12 Mathematics
Barnegat High School offers a substantive sequence of college-preparatory courses and math electives for students with varied learning styles and academic interests. The Mathematics Department focuses on not only the content but the application to real-life situations reinforcing 21st Century Skills and provide all students with the opportunity and support needed to learn, explore, and apply mathematics. Barnegat High School students are prepared for the challenges they will face during their college experience. Math manipulatives, technology through math programs such as Desmos and iReady are used as tools to enhance learning and assist in problem solving.
Department offerings are available through the Program of Studies.
Suggestions: Students who are planning on attending 4-year colleges are encouraged to take four years of high school math, and should complete a minimum of Trig/Pre-Calc in high school. Any student planning a career in a STEM field should plan to complete Caculus in high school.