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SHIELD Program
Student High Intensity Enrichment and Leadership Development
A Partnership with Barnegat Police Department
The SHIELD program is intended to provide meaningful instruction to students who wish to engage in coursework related to the field of law enforcement, and eventually pursue a career within the law enforcement field. This program has been specifically created alongside police department and school district administration and has been tailored to meet the needs of the Barnegat community, while still ensuring that adequate curricular coverage suffices as the educational prerequisite to potentially serve as a contributing member of the Barnegat Police Department. Completion of the SHIELD program may meet educational criteria to enter the workforce in the Barnegat Police Department. The SHIELD program will provide life-skill and formal leadership development. 

Beginning in the Fall of 2021, students with expressed interest in the SHIELD program will have schedules that reflect this interest, indicating enrollment in a full-year, 5-credit Introduction to SHIELD class, aligning with the A/B block schedule, throughout the entire year. SHIELD 1 meets the NJDOE mandated Career/Technical Education high school graduation requirement.
To register today, please contact your school counselor!!!!