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The Barnegat Township School District's Special Education programs for Preschool through Grade 12 are comprehensive and extensive.  Speech and Language services are also provided for additional students.
Our goals:
  • To ensure that all children with disabilities residing in Barnegat have available to them a free appropriate public education that includes special education and related services developed to meet their unique needs and prepare them for continuing education, employment and independent living.
  • To ensure that the rights of our students with disabilities and their parents are protected.
  • To ensure that qualified students with disabilities are provided access to all the activities and programs available to them.

The Child Study Team consists of a Learning Disabilities Teacher-Consultant (LDT-C), a School Psychologist and a School Social Worker.  Additional members may include:  Speech-Language Therapist, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist and Behaviorist.  Our team members are dedicated professionals available to address parental concerns and student's needs.

Child Study Team Members

Student Services Administration

Daniel Gundersen, Director of Student Services
(609) 698-5880 Ext. 11120
Stacey Jakalow, District Supervisor of Special Education (PreK-4, OOD)
(609) 698-5880 Ext. 11121
Brittany Schork, District Supervisor of Special Education (5-12, ACES)
(609) 698-5880 Ext. 11121
Jelsia Scaglione, Admin. Asst. to the Director of Student Services
(609) 698-5880 Ext. 11120
Brooke Loessel, Student Services Secretary
(609) 698-5880 Ext. 11121
Cynthia Hopkinson, Student Services Secretary
(609) 698-5882 Ext. 47140

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Instructional Coach