Phone: (609) 698-5880


Degrees and Certifications:

BA History and Secondary Education, Monmouth University 2006. MA History, Monmouth University 2014.

Mr. Ryan Eckert

Welcome to Eighth Grade Social Studies!

I can be reached via email at:

Have a great school year!

8th Grade World History

Here are the main topics we will be learning about this year!

Unit 1: The Beginning of Human Society
Unit 2: Early Civilizations and the The Emergence of Pastoral Peoples (c.4000-1000 BCE)
Unit 3: The Classic Civilizations of The Mediterranean World, India, and China
Unit 4: Expanding Exchanges and Encounters (500 CE - 1450 CE)


Classroom Supplies for this year!

1. Your Chromebook (fully charged!)

2. A pen or pencil

3. A positive attitude!


That's it! 

Most of our work will be done + submitted electronically through google classroom, so you don't need to bring a notebook. You should have your own writing tool with you just in case. Other than that, come with a positive attitude and ready to learn, and you're sure to achieve academic success!