                                                        M A T H   T I P S

    Find ways to practice number operations:

    * buy a box of math addition facts cards to practice math facts from 0 + 0 to 10 + 10.  These facts should be mastered by the end of 1st grade.
    *Pick a number between 1 and 20 (or between any 2 numbers up to 100). Have your child guess the number, then you tell if your number was greater than or less than his guess. Have your child keep revising his guess until he guesses your number. Then trade roles.

    *Count 8 pennies, then hide 4. Ask “How many are hidden?” Does she know there are 4?

    *Go berry picking. Explore the berry patch with your child. Which color berries are ripe and good to pick? Have your child pick ten berries, then eat one. How many does he have left?

    *Read weather charts, movie schedules, and other common numerical information you find in the news.

    *When you’re doing the laundry, have your child match all the pairs of socks. How many socks are there? How many pairs?

    Some family games that use math skills:

    *Dice, cards, and board games can help your child learn addition combinations

    *Dominoes - helps with addition facts

    *The card game “War” helps kids recognize which number is greater and which is less



    *Any game that includes counting board steps, such as Chutes and Ladders