Cecil S. Collins School

Dedicated to excellence in education

    • Give your child lots of opportunities to read aloud. Inspire your young reader to practice every day! The tips below offer some fun ways you can help your child become a happy and confident reader. Try a new tip each week. See what works best for your child. Reading should be fun and exciting.

      Don't leave home without it!

      Bring along a book or magazine any time your child has to wait, such as at a doctor's office. Always try to fit in reading for fun!

      Once is not enough

      Encourage your child to re-read favorite books and poems. Re-reading helps kids read more quickly and accurately.

      Dig deeper into the story

      Ask your child questions about the story you've just read. Say something like, "Why do you think the character did that?"

      Take control of the television

      It's difficult for reading to compete with TV and video games. Encourage reading as a free-time activity. Let your child pick things at their interest level.

      Be patient

      When your child is trying to sound out an unfamiliar word, give him or her time to do so. Remind your child to look closely at the first letter or letters of the word.

      Pick books that are at the right level to help them build confidence and be successful.

      Help your child pick books that are not too difficult. The aim is to give your child lots of successful reading experiences.

      Play word games:

      Have your child sound out the word as you change it from mat to fat to sat; from sat to sag to sap; and from sap to sip.

      I read to you. Now you read to me:

      Take turns reading aloud at bedtime. Kids enjoy this special time with their parents.

      Gently correct your young reader:

      When your child makes a mistake, gently point out the letters he or she overlooked or read incorrectly. Many beginning readers will guess wildly at a word based on its first letter.



