Morning Announcements 9/21/22

 Announcements Wednesday,  September 21th, 2022



Art Club:

Permission slips are outside room S223. Please see Ms. Lowe if you have any questions. The first meeting for the art club will be on Wednesday September 28th at 7am.


ROBMS Student Council:

Permissions slips will be outside room S223. Please see Ms. Lowe if you have any questions. We will have an interest meeting on Thursday September 22nd at 7am.


Jazz Band:

"Attention musicians-

The last Jazz Band audition is THIS Friday morning.

Please arrive to the school by 7:00AM

Pick up your Jazz Band audition music and info from the bulletin board outside the band room.

Please see Mr. G. if you have any questions!"


Computer Club:

Any student interested in joining the computer club please stop by Room S225 to get a permission slip. Also email Ms. Gianni to join the google classroom.


Girls Who Code Club:

There will be an interest meeting for Girls Who Code Club on Thursday September 22nd at 7am in the Computer Lab C123. Permission slips are available outside Ms. Gianni’s classroom S225.



Attention Invited NJHS applicants: Just a friendly reminder that if you plan on re-submitting your application it is due NO LATER than this FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd at 11:59PM. No late applications will be accepted and there are no other opportunities to apply to NJHS this school year.Lastly, please email with any questions regarding your application. 


Literary Magazine: 

Do you love to draw, write, and create? Literary Magazine will have its first meeting on Monday, September 26 at 7am in Room N209. See Ms. Schmitz for a permission slip!

The Voices of Diversity Club:

The Voices ofDiversity Club will be holding and informational meeting on Monday September 26th at 2:30 in room N122. The mission of thus student-led group is to educate others about the many cultures, races, and backgrounds of people here in Barnegat and around the world and the impact that racism has on their lives/. This group is a way to talk, listen, and learn about life from different perspectives and provide a platform for minority voices to be heard. Permission slips are outside Ms. Spain’s room, N122.


World Language Club:

WORLD LANGUAGE CLUB will be meeting soon! If you're interested see Dr. Eckert or Senora Ponti in S232. Durante toda la semana presentaremos varios idiomas de todo el mundo. ¡Esto es español, obviamente! Ven y únete a nosotros y aprende más.


Yearbook Club:

Attention all students- The first official yearbook club meeting will be held on Monday October 3rd in Mrs. Raguckas’s classroom N210 after school from 2:30-3:30. Hope to see you there. Please grab a permission slip outside the classroom doors of either N210 or N216 (Mrs. Heatherington room)