



Try Out dates are as follows:

Monday 9/11 2:30-4:30

Boys and Girls Soccer 7th grade

Field Hockey 6th-8th

Girls Volleyball 6th-8th


Tues 9/12 2:30-4:30

Boys and Girls Soccer 6th grade

Field Hockey 6th-8th

Girls Volleyball 6th-8th


Wed 9/13 2:30-4:30

Boys and Girls Soccer 6th-8th Final Cuts

Field Hockey 6th-8th

Girls Volleyball INVITE ONLY


*There are NO tryouts for Cross Country




                                      Other Information:


Today is an early dismissal-Monday 9/11 begins full days.

If you are a busser, you MUST ride the bus home, you CANNOT walk home!

Monday in honor of 911 please wear red, white and blue