
Winter sports tryout dates:


11/17 Basketball Final Cuts

Good luck

Wrestling practice 11/17 2:30-4:30


Practices for 11/20 and 11/21

Wrestling 2:15-4:30

Boys Basketball 2:30-4:00

Girls Basketball 4:00-5:30


 Other Information:


***The Scholastic Book Fair opens on Monday and runs through December 1st.  Students – remind your parents to stop by the book fair during parent teacher conferences to enter the drawing for free books and goodies.  No purchase necessary.  


***Attention students and staff—The Brackman theater company is selling Krispy Kreme doughnuts as a fundraiser! They are $15 a dozen and orders are due by December 1st.  Please see Mrs. VanderPyl if you would like to place an order! Thank you for your support!


***Lost and found will be cleared TODAY!! Look for any missing items!

***If you were in Ms. Lowe's 1st marking period art class and left your art in room S223, please come and get it by Friday.

***REMINDER: Next week there will be an early dismissal on Mon, Tues and Wed